Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine 2024 | Unleash Your Sewing Machine’s Potential

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Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine“?

Embroidery thread is a popular choice for adding decorative stitches and designs to fabric, but many people wonder if it can also be used in their sewing machine.

While the answer may seem simple, there are a few factors at play that can affect the success of using embroidery thread in a sewing machine.

In this article, we will explore the different types of embroidery thread available and discuss whether they are suitable for use in a sewing machine.

We will also provide tips on how to properly set up your machine to use embroidery thread and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Whether you’re an experienced sewer or just starting out, understanding the compatibility of different threads with your sewing machine is crucial for achieving professional-looking results.

Embroidery thread vs. sewing thread

Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine

Embroidery and sewing are two different crafts that require different threads. Embroidery thread is typically made of rayon or polyester, while sewing thread is made of cotton or silk. Embroidery threads have a higher sheen and come in a wider range of colors, making them ideal for decorative stitching on fabrics.

However, the question remains: can you use embroidery thread in a sewing machine? The short answer is yes, but it will depend on the type of machine you’re using and the purpose of your project. Some machines may struggle with thicker embroidery threads, causing tension issues and potentially damaging the needle or bobbin case.

It’s always best to check your machine’s manual to see if it’s compatible with embroidery thread before using it for any project. Another factor to consider is the weight of the embroidery thread compared to the sewing thread.

Pros and cons of using embroidery thread in a sewing machine

The use of embroidery thread in a sewing machine is a common concern for people who love to sew.

Embroidery threads are known for their vibrant colors and sheen, which make them ideal for decorative stitching. However, using embroidery thread in a sewing machine has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Variety: Embroidery thread comes in a wide range of colors, finishes, and textures, allowing for creative and decorative stitching.
  • Visual Impact: Embroidery thread can add an eye-catching and vibrant touch to your sewing projects, making them stand out.
  • Strength: Embroidery thread is usually stronger and more durable than regular sewing thread, which is beneficial for sewing projects that require additional strength or durability.
  • Versatility: Embroidery thread can be used for both embroidery and regular sewing, providing versatility in your creative endeavors.
  • Embellishments: Embroidery thread often has a sheen or metallic finish, making it ideal for adding decorative elements, accents, or intricate designs to your sewing projects.


  • Thickness: Embroidery thread is typically thicker than regular sewing thread, which can cause difficulties when it comes to threading the needle or sewing through small or delicate fabrics.
  • Tension Issues: The thicker and often slicker texture of embroidery thread may lead to tension problems in your sewing machine, resulting in uneven stitches or thread breakage.
  • Limited Use: While embroidery thread can be used for regular sewing, it may not be suitable for all types of projects or fabrics. Thin, lightweight fabrics may not handle the bulk of embroidery thread well.
  • Cost: Embroidery thread can be more expensive than regular sewing thread, especially if you require a large variety of colors or specialty threads.
  • Availability: Depending on your location, it may be more challenging to find a wide selection of embroidery thread compared to regular sewing thread, limiting your options.

It’s important to note that some of the cons mentioned can be mitigated by using the appropriate needle, adjusting tension settings, and practicing with different fabric/thread combinations.

Tips for using embroidery thread in a sewing machine

Embroidery thread adds a unique and decorative touch to any sewing project. But can you use embroidery thread in a standard sewing machine? The answer is yes, but there are some tips and tricks to keep in mind for optimal results.

First, make sure the embroidery thread fits through the needle of your sewing machine. Embroidery threads are usually thicker than regular sewing threads, so it’s important to choose a needle with a larger eye.

A size 90/14 or 100/16 needle is ideal for most embroidery threads.

Next, adjust the tension of your sewing machine. Embroidery thread may require lower tension than regular thread, so test out different settings until you find the right one for your project.

It’s also helpful to slow down the speed of your machine when working with thicker embroidery threads.

can you use embroidery thread for cross stitching

Cross stitching is a popular craft that has been enjoyed for centuries. This needlework technique involves creating stitches in a patterned design on fabric.

One of the most important aspects of cross stitching is choosing the right thread. Traditionally, floss or cotton thread is used for cross stitching, but many people wonder whether embroidery thread can be used instead.

Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine

Embroidery thread and cross stitch floss are similar in many ways. Both types of threads are made from cotton or polyester and come in a variety of colors.

However, there are some differences between them that may affect their use in cross stitching projects. Embroidery thread is typically thinner than floss, which means it may not cover as much space on your fabric as floss does.

One benefit of using embroidery thread for cross stitching is that it can add more texture to your project due to its sheen and thickness.

can you use embroidery thread for hand sewing

Embroidery thread is a popular crafting material that is often used for embroidery projects, but can it be used for hand sewing? The answer is yes, embroidery thread can be used for all types of hand sewing.

However, there are some factors to consider before using embroidery thread instead of traditional sewing thread.

Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine

One important factor to consider when using embroidery thread for hand sewing is the weight of the thread.

Embroidery threads come in different weights and thicknesses which may not make them suitable for all types of hand sewing.

For example, thicker embroidery threads may not work well with fine fabrics or small stitches because they can create an uneven look or even break the fabric.

Another consideration when using embroidery thread for hand sewing is the colorfastness of the thread. Many times, embroidery threads are made from materials that may bleed or fade over time.

can I use polyester embroidery thread for regular sewing

Polyester embroidery thread is a popular choice among embroiderers for its durability and vibrancy.

However, many people wonder if they can use it for regular sewing projects as well. The short answer is yes, you can use polyester embroidery thread for regular sewing tasks.

Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine

Polyester embroidery thread has a unique construction that makes it strong enough to withstand the high-speed movements of an embroidery machine.

This same strength also comes in handy when used for regular sewing projects like hemming pants or attaching buttons.

Additionally, polyester threads are resistant to fading, shrinking, and stretching, ensuring your stitches remain strong and vibrant even after multiple washes.

Another reason why you can use polyester embroidery thread for regular sewing is because of its cost-effectiveness.

Polyester threads are relatively inexpensive compared to other types of threads available in the market.

can you use embroidery thread for friendship bracelets

Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine

Embroidery thread is a popular crafting material that has been used for years. It’s versatile, colorful and comes in different thicknesses and textures.

But can it be used to make friendship bracelets? The short answer is yes! In fact, embroidery thread is one of the most common materials used for making friendship bracelets.

One of the great things about using embroidery thread for friendship bracelets is the variety of colors available.

You can easily find any color you need to match your friend’s favorite color or create a rainbow bracelet with all the colors of the spectrum.

Embroidery thread also offers a wide range of thicknesses, from thin strands to thick cords, which allows you to experiment with different patterns and designs.

Another advantage of using embroidery thread for friendship bracelets is its durability.

It’s made from high-quality fibers that are resistant to fading, fraying, and breaking.

can you use embroidery thread for quilting

Embroidery thread is a popular choice for those who love to add intricate details to their fabric projects.

But can it be used for quilting? The answer is yes!

Embroidery thread can make a great addition to your quilting supplies, but there are some things you need to consider before using it.

Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine

Firstly, embroidery thread is thinner than traditional quilting thread. This means that you will need more of it if you want your stitches to be strong enough to hold up over time.

You may also need to adjust your tension settings on your machine or hand-quilting needle in order to avoid breakage or puckering of the fabric.

Another thing to keep in mind when using embroidery thread for quilting is colorfastness. Some embroidery threads may bleed or fade over time when exposed to sunlight or washing.

Can you use embroidery thread for normal sewing?

Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine

Embroidery thread is a popular choice for stitching designs and patterns onto fabric. However, many people wonder if it can be used for regular sewing projects as well.

The answer is yes, embroidery thread can be used for normal sewing, but there are some considerations to keep in mind.

Firstly, embroidery thread is typically made from different materials than standard sewing thread. It may be made from cotton, silk, or rayon and has a higher sheen and more vibrant colors than regular threads.

This means that when using it for sewing projects, you’ll need to choose the right weight and thickness of the thread to ensure that it doesn’t cause any issues with tension or breakage.

Secondly, embroidery threads are designed to withstand high-speed stitching machines and are often coated with wax or other substances that help them glide through the fabric easily.

Can you use any thread in a sewing machine?

Sewing machines have been a staple in households since their invention in the 19th century. They have evolved greatly over the years, but one question remains constant – can you use any thread in a sewing machine? The answer is not as simple as yes or no because it depends on various factors.

A sewing machine’s needle and thread work together to create stitches that hold the fabric together. The type of needle and thread used determines the quality of the stitch, durability, and overall appearance.

Different types of fabrics require different threads to achieve optimal results. For example, cotton fabrics work well with cotton threads while silk fabrics need silk threads for a smooth finish.

Another factor to consider is the thickness of the thread. Sewing machines are designed to handle specific sizes of threads.

Using a thicker or thinner thread than recommended can cause tension issues and may damage the machine’s inner workings.

Do you need special thread for embroidery for sewing machine?

Embroidery is a popular hobby for many people who enjoy creating beautiful designs on fabrics. To get the best results, it is important to use the right tools and materials.

One of the most common questions that beginners ask is whether they need a special thread for embroidery when using a sewing machine.

Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine

The short answer is yes, you do need a special thread for embroidery on a sewing machine. The reason for this is that regular sewing thread is not specifically designed to withstand the tension and stress involved in embroidery stitches. Embroidery thread has unique properties that make it ideal for stitching intricate designs without breaking or fraying easily.

Embroidery thread comes in different types, including rayon, polyester, silk, and cotton. Each type of thread has its own set of advantages and disadvantages depending on your project’s requirements.

how to use embroidery thread in sewing machine

Are you wondering if it’s possible to use embroidery thread in a sewing machine? The answer is yes, you can! However, there are a few things to keep in mind when using embroidery thread for your sewing projects. Embroidery thread is different from regular sewing thread – it’s thicker and typically has a higher sheen or luster.

Firstly, make sure that your sewing machine can handle the thickness of the embroidery thread. Most modern machines can handle thicker threads, but older models may struggle. Check your machine manual or consult with a professional before using embroidery thread.

Secondly, adjust the tension on your machine accordingly. Embroidery threads require less tension than regular threads because they’re thicker and have more give. You may need to experiment with the tension until you achieve the desired results.

When using embroidery thread, consider its purpose in your project.

how to sew with embroidery thread

Sewing with embroidery thread can add a beautiful touch to any project. Here are some tips on how to sew with embroidery thread:

  • Firstly, choose the right needle for your project. Embroidery needles have larger eyes and are designed to accommodate thicker threads. Make sure the size of the needle matches the weight of your embroidery thread.
  • Secondly, use good quality embroidery floss that will not easily fray or tangle while you work. Cut a length of thread that is no longer than 18 inches to prevent tangling.
  • Thirdly, tie a knot at one end of your embroidery thread and pass it through the fabric from back to front. For best results, use an embroidery hoop or frame to keep the fabric taut while you sew.
  • Fourthly, practice different types of stitches such as running stitch, satin stitch, and French knots for different effects.
  • Fifthly, be creative!

Is embroidery machine thread the same as sewing thread?

No, embroidery machine thread is not the same as sewing thread. Embroidery machine thread is specifically designed for use in embroidery machines and is usually a thicker, more durable type of thread than sewing thread.

Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine

It is designed to withstand the high speeds and tension that an embroidery machine puts on it during operation. Sewing thread, on the other hand, is typically thinner and more flexible than embroidery machine thread and is designed to be used with a regular sewing machine.

Can I use embroidery thread in bobbin?

Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine

Yes, you can use embroidery thread in a bobbin. Embroidery thread is designed to be used for decorative stitching and works well in bobbins. It is usually made of polyester or rayon, which makes it strong and long-lasting. You may need to adjust the tension of your machine when using embroidery thread in the bobbin, as it tends to be thicker than regular sewing thread. With the right adjustments, you should have no trouble getting great results with embroidery thread in your bobbin.

embroidery thread vs regular thread

Embroidery thread is a type of thread specifically designed for use in embroidery projects. It is usually made of cotton, rayon, or polyester and comes in a variety of colors and thicknesses. Regular thread is generally used for sewing and other types of fabric work. It also comes in different weights and colors but typically has a finer texture than embroidery thread.

Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine

The main difference between the two threads is that regular thread is meant to be used with a sewing machine while embroidery thread can be used by hand or with an embroidery machine.

Embroidery thread also has a greater range of colors available than regular thread does, making it ideal for intricate designs and patterns. Additionally, it can be used to create raised textures on fabrics that regular thread cannot do. 

In conclusion, both embroidery thread and regular thread have their own unique uses depending on the project you are working on.

Conclusion: Is it worth the risk?

In conclusion, “Can You Use Embroidery Thread In A Sewing Machine“? using embroidery thread in a sewing machine is possible but it comes with some risks. The thickness and texture of the thread can cause tension issues and even damage your machine if not handled properly.

However, with proper adjustments to the tension and needle size, you can achieve beautiful results with embroidery thread on your sewing projects.

It’s important to experiment with different brands and types of thread to find what works best for you and your machine. If you decide to try using embroidery thread in your sewing machine, make sure to do so cautiously and carefully. Happy stitching!


What is the strongest thread for sewing?

Kevlar thread is the strongest thread for sewing. It’s five times stronger than steel and highly resistant to heat, chemicals, and abrasion.

It’s also lightweight and flexible, making it ideal for a variety of sewing projects. Additionally, Kevlar thread is non-conductive so it won’t interfere with electrical components when used in electronic applications.

Is DMC thread the same as embroidery thread?

Yes, the DMC thread is the same as the embroidery thread. It is a type of 6-strand divisible thread made from 100% long staple Egyptian cotton and double-mercerized for a brilliant sheen.

DMC threads come in over 450 solid colors and 37 variegated colors, making it the most popular brand of embroidery floss in the world.

Is embroidery thread as strong as regular thread?

Yes, embroidery thread is as strong as regular thread. It is made of the same materials and has the same tensile strength.

However, embroidery thread is thicker than regular thread, making it more visible and better for decorative stitching. Additionally, it is usually colorfast and fade-resistant, allowing you to create long-lasting designs.

What are the disadvantages of embroidery thread?

Embroidery thread can be expensive and time-consuming to use. It is also more difficult to work with than other types of thread, as it requires specialized tools and techniques.

Additionally, if not properly cared for, embroidery thread can become brittle and prone to breakage.

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